April 23, 2009

webdesign and stuff that came along my way today

A friend of mine recommended this URL in regards to one topic which I’m currently working on: Designing Drop-Down Menus: Examples and Best Practices . This article about how to use Drop-Down menus within the navigation, including some DOs and some DONTs,  is a very nice summary for anyone who creates designs with these elements.

After I scanned that article, I found another one which will be my default answer in the future whenever clients or coworkers ask strange questions about features and designs: 9 Common Usability Mistakes In Web Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine. There are lot’s of lists around in the Web but there aren’t so many sources with this quality and with such an amount of good quality comments in it.

I also discovered a new TYPO3 extension which will be imho very popular in the future - check it out yourself - canonical extension in TER. Regarding the TER I also found this link some days ago within the newsgroups and I like to idea of having this for TYPO3 -I wonder whether this will stay a dream :P

And finally I just caught up with my RSS reader and the last article was the most interesting for today, since it is written from a different perspective (type-designer perspective) and it’s really interesting how he images the future for fonts in the web. Interview with David Berlow…

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